Thursday, May 1, 2008

Unemployed girls of the U.S. unite!!

Month 3 of my unemployment and feeling lower than a snakes _________. That was until I spied this blog, Gopman's Gossip

There are many of us out there who are unemployed. Maybe we should all meet online and have a little group therapy. Topics can include:

  • Self-esteem
  • Television shows that I never would have watched before when I was employed, and now I do and I am embarrassing myself. (Why is Ant famous again?)
  • Social awkwardness, now that you are alone a lot how do you talk to people in social situations.
  • My teeth hurt and I don't have insurance.
  • I have a blog and do people out there really care about what I have to say?/blogging as a way to reach people so that you are in social situations you know how to interact
  • Compulsion: Can someone please take TMZ off the internet, I am not really interested, but I just can't stop myself?
  • Beauty tips for people who just roll out of bed and submit resumes all day
Think on that, I know there are more of us out there. Check out Gopman's Gossip, if the posts are anything like the first you will laugh yourself into feeling better.

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