Ha ha Ha Ha He He he. Nope.
Before I moved out here I was instructed to watch Entourage because that is what LA is really like. I don't think that person ever set foot in L.A.
The thing that surprise me most about living in Los Angeles is how residential it is. The downtown area is a lot like Minneapolis, this little pod of buildings that is like a ghost town during non-work hours and picks up with the fratty crowd after 10 on the weekend nights. There are a lot more apartment buildings than clubs and not everyone has a pool where beautiful people just hang out.
The ways in which my life is not like Entourage
I am not out here to be an actress or a model.
I didn't bring my hometown with me when I moved. Just me, just a few suitcases and boxes.
When you are here it is not like you run into Jessica Alba on the street all the time (I have seen Pauly Shore at the Newsroom though)
How my life is like Entourage
The Pauly Shore thing
I like to go to Toast
After season 2 of the show I started having problems with it. Isn't the same show over and over again?
Vicent has found a new hot fuck,
Vincent is up for a role, but only if his brother can be in the movie too,
Turtle, just plays video games, watches porn and drives places,
Eric has to fix everything,
Drama does something stupid,
New Fuck is in love with Vincent and Eric has to find a way to let her down easy.
It is just the same show over and over again.
Also, there is a story line that is extremely similar in season two, names and all, to a friend of mines play that played right before they shot that season. Coincidence........ (Not, sure, but when we ran into them at the Magic Castle one night, they kept looking at us, uncomfortably)
Have you read
this article from the LA times Calendar section.
If you want to see shows that are more indicative of the acting experience see, Extras, Unscripted and Ellie Parker.